IGF 2022 High-Level Track

HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL: Governance models to promote inclusive and diverse business development – what stands in the way? "Tuesday 7 December 13.45 - 14.45 CET"

Photo of Mr. André Xuereb

Mr. André Xuereb

Associate Professor at the University of Malta, Malta Digital Affairs Ambassador

André Xuereb is a quantum physicist from Malta. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Malta, where he leads the Department of Physics, lectures undergraduate classes in atomic and quantum physics, and leads the quantum research group. In 2020 André was appointed Malta’s first Ambassador for Digital Affairs within the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs; he also co-chairs the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) board, is a European Innovation Council (EIC) ambassador, and is a council member of the Malta Chamber of Scientists as well as the Malta Innovation Forum. André is Chief Scientific Officer of a green mobility startup in Malta and co-owns an educational software startup. Fond of lifelong learning, André holds a bachelor degree in mathematics and physics, a doctorate in physics, and a master degree in knowledge-based entrepreneurship. He is currently reading for a master degree in contemporary diplomacy. In 2020, André was named amongst the Ten Outstanding Young People by JCI Malta.